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German Ww2 Funny Gifs Soviet Union Flag Ww2

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Swastika blasted from the Nazi party rally grounds - Nuremberg, 1945

Obliterate organized hate

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viii May - Victory in Europe Twenty-four hour period

Every year on May 8, together with the entire civilized earth, nosotros award everyone who defended the planet from Nazism during World War Ii. Millions of lost lives, crippled destinies, tortured souls and millions of reasons to say to evil: never again! We knew the price our ancestors paid for this wisdom. This year we say "Never again" differently. We hear "Never again" differently. Information technology sounds painful, brutal. Without an exclamation, merely with a question mark. You say: "never again"? Tell Ukraine about it. On February 24, the word "never" was ereased. Shot and bombed. By hundreds of missiles at 4 am, which woke upwards the entire Ukraine. Nosotros heard terrible explosions. We heard: "once again!" Everyone hears the language of evil. Again! And together they acknowledge the painful truth: we have not withstood even a century. Our "never over again" was plenty for 77 years. We missed the evil. It was reborn. Again and at present! This is understood by all countries and nations who support Ukraine today. And despite the new mask of the creature, they recognized him. Because, unlike some, they remember what our ancestors fought for and confronting. The did non confuse the first with the second, did not change their places, did not forget. - Volodymyr Zelenskyy

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Uwe Loesch   (DE, 1943)

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Quo vadis, 1994. Poster fourscore x sixty cm about sports and war. Center Mondial de la Paix, des Libertés et des Droites de fifty´Homme-Verdun (single window view)

Original poster menu

eucantos' gif [ Quo Vadis?: -Where do you recall you're going? - gratis ]

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Ukrainian neo-Nazis and ultranationalists.

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LOL rest in piss, Merv.

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Helmut Berger & Teresa Ann Savoy in Salon Kitty (1976)

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To the cunt that tried to tell me they didn't have a name for their own made up #politics, what you #believe in is called "fascism", you fucking idiot, the way y'all spoke and tried act all like "i creatively made this up", you dunno who the fuck you lot are dealing with when it comes to politics and language. Bonehead!

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Here's the flick that introduced me to *chokes* Anime Hitler.

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Despite this official AU fanfic being laughably bad, I do desire to requite it credit for exploring the occult side of Nazi Frg, instead of merely motioning political/war games.

FMA: Conqueror of Shamballa centers its plot around the interdimensional shenanigans of the Thule Society, which was an esoteric component of the early Nazi motion. If but the filmmakers had animefied SS leader Heinrich Himmler and brought to light the truly insane stuff occurring at Wewelsburg Castle rather than given contrived attending to Tibetan myths of Shamballa. Oh… possibly the data'due south too fringey, equally you can meet from Michael FitzGerald's books "The Nazis and the Supernatural: The Occult Secrets of Hitler's Evil Empire," "Hitler'due south Occult State of war," and "The Nazi Occult State of war: Hitler's Compact with the Forces of Evil"…

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Wewelsburg Castle - The Nazi Temple of Doom

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FitzGerald: "Those who went to Wewelsburg were no longer jump past ordinary human ties merely had their own loyalty to the brotherhood, an all-consuming passion to serve it and to cherish and follow its ideals. Wewelsburg was the cathedral where the senior 'priests' of Himmler's dark religion came to engage in their worship and be indoctrinated more deeply into the mythological universe he inhabited. They attempted to reach a state of 'rapture' in which they could communicate with the Undercover Chiefs, of whose wisdom they believed themselves to be the guardians. There was considerable action within the occult field in Nazi Germany, even if most of it did take place underground. Himmler actually remarked that 'scientific discipline' would before long exist replaced by 'geheimwissenschaft' - 'occult science.'"

"Occult science"? That perfectly describes alchemy in FMA.

"The ultimate goal of the illuminated National Socialists went far across the simple military and political domination of the earth. In the same way their obsession with the cosmos of an Aryan Master Race went far beyond simple racism and into areas that read like the imaginings of a science fiction novelist. The whole focus of the occult aspects of Nazism was geared toward realizing what they saw as the next phase of man development and the cosmos of the 'New Homo' who would exist equally far in a higher place the Aryans every bit in their optics they were already above all other humans. Hitler and Himmler worked tirelessly toward achieving the triumph of the 'New Human being' to a greater caste than any other Nazi leaders. As Hitler said: 'Creation is not yet completed. All creative forces will be full-bodied on a new species. The two types of homo, the old and the new, volition evolve speedily in different directions. One will disappear from the face of the Earth, the other volition flourish.' Hitler also claimed that: 'Man is becoming God - that is the simple fact. Man is God in the making.' All the diverse occult techniques that Himmler in particular employed created a fanatical autohypnosis which convinced disciples, succumbing to the totalitarian discipline in the promise of reaching a transcendent reality, that they were the new men the historic period was waiting for, that they were endowed with a secret energy which would enable them to take over Deutschland and the world. The 'New Man' visualized by Hitler had developed his psychic powers to their fullest extent. He would not only exist physically stronger and intellectually superior but his psychic and spiritual development would raise him to the level of a divine being. The New Human would have mastered the secrets of time travel and exist able to visit the distant past and the remote time to come with equal ease. He would possess an enhanced imagination that allowed him to perceive and sympathise everything instantly without the need for rational thought or a careful evaluation of facts. His 'superclairvoyance' would enable him to see everything and know the innermost thoughts of everyone. The ability of 'magical voice communication' was given to him and this ability would enable him to command all lesser beings. Other humans, even spirits, the atmospheric condition and the atoms of the universe would all be subject to his controlling will."

Hm, the gypsy character Noah has similar-sounding psychic powers in CoS, admitting far more than limited.

"These 'new men' were described by Hitler every bit 'the final state in human mutation - the Homo God!' Likewise equally all of these powers the New Man would also be physically different from existing humans. He would be a giant in size and strength and his pineal gland would be and so highly developed that information technology would be visible as a literal third eye. Hitler referred to information technology as the 'Cyclops eye' and alleged: 'A new age of magic interpretation of the world is coming, of interpretation in terms of the will and not the intelligence.There is no such affair as truth, either in the moral or in the scientific sense. The New Human being would be the antonym of the Jew.' Hitler and the Nazis seized on the German people's longing for a savior, a renewed sense of pride in their nation and a desire for a common purpose. They took these emotions and distorted them utterly, deceiving their young man Germans into worshipping a psychopathic dictator and turning national pride into a sense of shame equally the High german people finally awoke also belatedly to the horrors that had been perpetrated in their name and to the utter perversion of all normal moral values. For twelve astonishing years Germany turned its back upon rationality and compassion and gave its allegiance to a man and a motion that plumbed new depths of human depravity. The spiritual impulses of millions were perverted into the night worship of a brutal madman and his irrational vision of the globe."

The true evil of Nazism lies in the occult. More specifically, the cosmos of a breeding/mind control programme (that involves satanic ritual abuse) for raising an army of demonically charged supersoldiers, whose purpose is to instigate worldwide chaos and bring in the Antichrist. These contradistinct humans are a fulfillment of Hitler and Himmler's dream for so-called "new men," according to Russ Dizdar in his book "The Black Enkindling."

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Oh snap

"ten one thousand thousand or more victims of satanic ritual abuse, heed control and transmutation. Are they the supersoldiers for Cease Times chaos, a chaos earlier the New Order? Is this a continuation of the Master Race of the Nazis, a quest for… the Godmen? Breeding a hybrid (Nephilim) race? The Black Enkindling is a expect at what the Reddish Horse prophecy in Revelation half-dozen warns of… global catastrophic chaos."

"In this twilight of human history darkness burns its black flame. Soon it will all erupt and fear will fly as the bloodshed begins. The 'Black Awakening' will occur! For them, those who served this long cold secret, it has to - information technology'southward the merely way to give the world a drastic reason. A willing just painful reason for the need of a new world order and of a leader who will rule with a power that but the ancients felt."


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OOC: Excited for the What if series. So I came up with a few what I've scenarios of my own that I would like to roleplay. This is..what if Steve worked for Red Skull and eventually ran Hydra!

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Durring World State of war 2, Steve Rogers had been turned into the get-go super soilder. Even so every bit the serum pierced into his trunk, there was more than only the concrete alter to him. Something extra had been put into the serum earlier it was admistered. Thanks to Dr. Zola the serum would non only event Steve's body merely his personality as well. He become the reverse of everything he had been earlier. In one case the serum was in him he was vicious, selfish, arogent and malicious.

It didn't take long for Steve to exist kicked out of the American army for his erratic behavior. He took that opportunity to became the right hand man to the Red Skull. The two acquired chaos and hurting everywhere they went.

"Here's an idea, why don't yous just do as I asked and impale him?" Steve asked with a anger in his voice, as he glared at one of his hydra agents. "I don't see why it's been so difficult for you! If your non capable of the job and so maybe you need to be eliminated from the team. I'grand getting tired of dealing with him and his exercise gooder Yankees. They demand to be taken out before they strengthen their forces. They retrieve they are so high and mighty, when really we have all the ability. Expect how we have turned the earth upside down in only a few years. They couldn't even imagine being able to achieve that."

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Charlie Chaplin   (1889 - 1977)

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The Great Dictator, released 1940.

Charlie Chaplin every bit "Adenoid Hynkel" and Jack Oakie as "Benzino Napaloni"

Chaplin's first characteristic film with full audio, directed by the artist, it portrayed a Jewish barber mistaken for the dictator, satirizing Nazism and condemning anti-Semitism. It was Chaplin's most successful movie at the box part. - Britannica

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Liberation V - The last assault, 1972. Soviet movie directed by Yuri Ozerov

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Helmut Berger as Helmut Wallenberg

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